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Posted by Klobb17 - February 26th, 2014

By not exactly popular demand, here is a pic of me in my new glasses. Pardon the potato quality of my laptop webcam. Also I absolutely suck at making normal faces, so instead I resort to making silly looking ones.


I know, I look like a total fagola with them on.

Now, for those who don't know, I have some shit vision. Lazy eye, near sighted, lovely stuff. On one hand, it lets me do some cool tricks with my eyes by cocking them in and out of place to freak people out. On the other, can't see shit because it's double/blurry (never mind the loss of depth perception if I close one eye for clear sight), thus, glasses. Although to be quite honest, at 22 years old, I'm not sure if wearing these will do me a whole lot of good. But hey, I can focus my eyes into place and my vision isn't blurred like Japanese porn anymore, so I have that going. Things are still kinda double vision due to my lazy eye being a betafag and not lifting, but eh, apparently in due time, it'll get used to it.


It's not a lazy eye. Maybe the other eye is overly motivated XD
Also, nothing like Com. Gordon. Gordon Freeman on other hand though...

You know who made a joke like that as well?
Ben Bailey http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r--ROIljv0Y

Shit, I bet if I shaved my head, I would look like Walter White from Breaking Bad.

Well, duuuh, I've seen the video because you have posted it.
Also, I'm quite close into closing the gap between the upper lip area and the chin. The I will make it a van dyke or a goatee.

You should watch it again.
It's advanced humor for elite people.

One thing I hate about my facial hair is it lacks symmetry. One side is just about in the goatee area, connecting the lip and chin, while the other has like a centimeter of bare skin still. Not to mention whatever the hell my actual beard is attempting, by being more like Wolverine style chops than anything else.

Those are cool glasses. Now we need a glasses themed nickname for you.

Any good ones I can think of are already taken.

Goldfish is the most accurate nickname I can think of.
Also, watched Warriors. Good one.

Now play the game!

I was thinking we could call him "lenses" or "magnify." I suck at this.

I used to be called Deadeye in my freshmen year of highschool because of my lazy eye, if that helps.
Granted, that was by one person, but still, I liked it.

only the cool kids get to wear glasses bro!

I have an identical pair that are also sunglasses, so I can pull off the "deal with it" look at least.

LA Confidential. Awesome film right there.

I recently saw No Country For Old Men for the first time.
Holy fuck I love that shit.

Also, you familiar with Key & Peele? I imagine their valet skits (where they discuss movies/freak out over movies) to pretty much be us. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2EikOsQmtk

I just saw "There Will Be Blood." I finally got to see the famous "milkshake"scene.

That is a movie I have heard about but have yet to actually see.

I've heard Javier Bardem was really good at this one and from what I've seen his performance only makes the movie worth seeing. I want to watch it too.
Movies I intent to watch in the near future:
They Live
The Usual Suspects

But let's focus on the fact LA Confidential is an underrated movie, most people haven't even heard of it, and you should definitely watch it.

That's an understatement, man. Javier Bardem killed it in this movie. His character is now up there in my list of favorite antagonists.
They Live is entertaining, and Equilibrium, from what I remember, is cool as hell. Haven't seen the third one.

I'll get around to it at some point, I promise. Meanwhile, now that you've seen The Warriors, you may be interested in The Wanderers. It's not as comic book universey as The Warriors, but it's still a good watch with a similar concept.

Ryan: "Gavin, what color car do you want?" Gavin: "X"
Michael: "Gavin, what color car should we pick?" Gavin: "H"
Michael: "Which way do I turn?!" Gavin: "G"

Back to posting Achievement Hunter quotes, are we?


It's not polite to lie.

I just thought it would be interesting to buy a car with him.

Doing anything with Gavin is bound to be interesting.

Wow when did tony change his name?

Also nice glasses m8 (i know im late as hell)

When you were dicking about on some other forum, dingus. Duh.

Thanks, m8.

Friends want to drag me with them to watch 300 rise of an empire. I guess no going out for me this Saturday...

You don't wanna watch that? I thought those movies are like documentaries for you guys over there :P

We generally laugh at their effort to display the history but with adding cheesy parts that sell.
Or at least that's just me. I take it as something lighter than your Vampire Hunter Lincoln.

To be honest, they probably downplayed Abe Lincoln being a badass anyway. Surely he hunted more than vampires.

He probably hunted whales too.

Like, space whales.

In space.

Nor is cheating on the BBS?


Keyser Söze, 'nuff said.

Where is it you?


How about those Blues?

I dunno, how about them?

You guys were top of the West, but now you're choking as the playoffs near. Also, this music video will change your life: