Take into consideration that it could affect whether you get scouted into the Art Portal or not, if you care about that. Only upload what you consider good if you want to get into the Art Portal.
You're right. Like I said, I don't expect people to come offering me handjobs for spectacular art of anything, so I'm rather indifferent about appearing on the Art Portal. Still, I do have a good idea of what I should and shouldn't submit onto here, so thanks.
Take into consideration that it could affect whether you get scouted into the Art Portal or not, if you care about that. Only upload what you consider good if you want to get into the Art Portal.
You're right. Like I said, I don't expect people to come offering me handjobs for spectacular art of anything, so I'm rather indifferent about appearing on the Art Portal. Still, I do have a good idea of what I should and shouldn't submit onto here, so thanks.