


Joined on 7/9/07

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ABOUT FUCKING TIME! I've been waiting for this for forever and a half!

Oh em gee, I know right?

thanks for recommending me for an interview too, bro

you'll see mine in a few weeks


<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuD8KXPD3HI&list=PL41879AB10AFF4A76&index=3&feature=plpp_video">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuD8KXPD3HI&amp ;list=PL41879AB10AFF4A76&index=3&featu re=plpp_video</a>
> All other Jet fighters.

Impressive flying, but Su-47 is still my favorite baby, soooo EAT A DICK, NYUGGA!

The 16 klobbs before you did not die in vain.

They're not dead though! They're just sleeping. Waiting. For their time to come again.

I dare you to sit through this whole song:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hn0tObCDgic">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hn0tObCDgic</a>

Nigga please, I ate my pizza, breadsticks, and lasagna to that song.

Someone went to Pizza Hut.

Om nom nom nom.

Roundtable bitches!

I'll see your Demon Lord of the Round Table, and raise you Mobius 1.

(So help me God you better be referencing Ace Combat)

No, I was referencing the Pizza parlor. Also, WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GETTING PICS OF ALL THESE SPIDER CHICKS?!

Monster Girl Booru is a helluva thang.

Who the hell did recommend you for being interviewed?Just give me a name.
Also,Domino's Pizza is better in my opinion.

KillerSkull down there. He was really impressed by my charming wit and terrible puns, I guess.
I have no preference when it comes to pizza, although more often than not we get Pizza Hut because they seem to be slightly cheaper than the other choices.

Terrible puns? I would say terrible FUNS, IFYAKNOWWHATAMEAN...

We're just two wild and punny guys, ya' know!?

Both of you guys are very PUNNY! AHAHAHAHAAHA!

Hey, come on man, we've already used that PUNchline.

I just saw that....I feel defeated now.


All caps and spaced for emphasis.

Well better humiliated and defeated than handicapped and DEFEETED...


But seriously, that fucker needs to stop feeling defeated all the damn time for no reason.

I do not feel defeated ALL THE TIME! More importantly, have you seen the movie "XXX?" My favorite scene is the opening scene...for obvious reasons, tak a look:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=3QEXuB1b4W8#t=176s">http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_de tailpage&v=3QEXuB1b4W8#t=176s</a>

More often than not, you apparently feel defeated by me for no reason. Joking or not, I do not approve of such meek thinking. Get back in the game, soldier.
And yes, I have seen that movie. I can only guess which part is your favorite...
*checks link*
Yup. Rammstein.

I went to the movies just for that scene Klobb17...although the rest of the film was pretty fun as well.

(that scene is so cool).

I enjoyed the movie as well. I'm not afraid to say I get a kick out of Vin Diesel's films, either. I'm an open fan of Nic Cage, after all.

XXX wasn't a good film.Diesel's acting was annoying and the whole plot not that great.Also the action wasn' satisfying enough. I liked the second film more,mostly because of that scene in the white house reminding me SC conviction ending somehow for some reason.

Opinions and such, bro. I do wish Vin would act as he did in Riddick more. Or just make another Riddick movie, that'd be cool too.

After all that time we know each other do I really have remind you that my opinio is always better and truer than yours.

Is Klobb gonna hafta choke a bitch?

Shush tonypar...XXX was awesome because it had Rammstein in it! That automatically makes it cinema gold....FACT!

Alright you two, let me be diplomatic: shut your whore mouths.

Male and female genitalia develop from the same parental tissue. Thus, the glans in males will become the clitoris in females.
(the more you know)

A clitoris is basically a micro-penis.

listen to this dope ass song homie, this shit is fire!
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aa_aEQUvv1E">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aa_aEQUvv1E</a>

then become an honorary F@G member with me!
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALbnDTMFfZU&list=PLYtcwsUQ6P1NGfx3DeimrgsE5mH2QGh3W&index=10&feature=plpp_video">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALbnDTMFfZU&amp ;list=PLYtcwsUQ6P1NGfx3DeimrgsE5mH2QGh3W&i ndex=10&feature=plpp_video</a>

What a buncha fags, amirite?

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