You should name him "Billy."
Joined on 7/9/07
You should name him "Billy."
I prefer "Sunny Muffin".
Can you do anything else besides random stuff in Gmod?
Is SFM included in the Gmod or you got to purchase it?
"Random Stuff" is quite the broad term, bro. If you mean do more than spawn a ragdoll character and put him in a pose, I'm sure there is. You're asking the wrong person about that kind of thing.
Source Filmmaker, right? It doesn't come with G-Mod, but you can get it for free on Steam regardless.
I want that dog.
Having been chased many times by dogs when I was younger,now I'm a bit suspicious(and afraid) when they approach me.
Just wanted share this.
Sounds like someone I knew a while ago. I have no problem with dogs, but I understand if other people feel nervous around them.
But tony...that dog is so cute and's a lab!
Also, Klobb let's make a pizza! :D
Most dogs are harmless, mmmkay?
Depends on the toppings. I demand ALL of the meat.
Well, most of it.
Alright, just beef, bacon, and pepperoni, really.
You Klobb know how to eat pizza. Also, that dog isn't harmless,it LOOKS so. So I will keep away with my slices of pizza while it bites and eats the rest of the pizza. Also hitman's out with FC3. Both look great but I think I will take Hitman. *Christmas wishlist updated*
Both games look excellent, but I've made it a point to get Far Cry 3 first. I guess I'll ask for Hitman for my own Christmas wishlist.
Unless my family members took me seriously when I said I wanted a PS3. Then I might get that instead.
I dunno man. Pineapples can get really violent when around bacon. They might need to be separated or something.
We can put Ham between them.
Ham is a very good keeper of peace. He's hired.
Are you also an amateur porn star?
Unfortunately, I am not.
I'm the amateur porn star.
Oh, the things you do with that Kiba plush doll!
(I truly hope I am joking... >_>')
No...I do...just kidding, I just cuddle with him.
Also, Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft
I can show you how to play and you can meet my frienderman! :D
<a href=""> man.png/106px-Enderman.png</a>
Far Cry 3 Far Cry 3 Far Cry 3 Far Cry 3 Far Cry 3 Far Cry 3 Far Cry 3 Far Cry 3.
Have you watched that movie called Raid Redemption? God,it is such a fucking awesome movie. You should watch it.
NO, I HAVEN'T! (cries) I WAS supposed to see it with a friend when it came out in theaters earlier this year, but the ass-nugget ditched me and took his girlfriend instead. Fucking jackwagon. He does this shit on purpose just to spite me, too.
I wasn't too fond of that movie. Also Klobb, it sounds like you should devise a way to get revenge on your friend.
One of these days, I shall give him the same treatment...
Also firenderman.
I just got done burning fields of marijuana with a flamethrower in Far Cry 3.
Feeels goooood, maaan....
Why would destroy what those innocent people have worked so hard for? Also,how much freedom do you have in Far Cry 3?
Because drugs are bad, mmkay? Plus, those dudes weren't exactly innocent, what with slaughtering villagers, stealing shipments, raping women, dealing in drug and people trafficking, not to mention they made fun of my hair. For that, they have toupee!
(Yes, I know that was lame)
There is quite a bit of freedom. From the moment you capture your first radio tower and reveal some of the map, you can then explore the island as freely as you wish. The game will constantly remind you of your objective, and will have a marker of that objective on the screen, but it can be ignored for the most part. You never really have any "free time" as the game sees it, always reminding you to "go here" or "do this" or "talk to this guy", but again, you're not forced to immediately go to the objective.
That'sssssss a nice user page you have here. It's be a (sssss)shame if anything were top happen to it.
<a href=""> 014955/minecraft/images/0/0a/Creeper.png</a>
Creeper, no creeping. Creeper, no creeping!
Gary's mod is...meh. It's fun to troll the RP servers though. And what is the name of that dog?
I'm starting to like it. Fun to mess around in.
And the dog's name is "I Have No Idea What I'm Doing Dog".