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@Killerskull too, Mirror's Edge 2 may be a Xbox exclusive... That would be a fucking shame. I could be proud or something, but such an amazing game can't just be WASTED on one console only, imo.

I sincerely hope it's not an exclusive, because that means a few other decent EA games may also be exclusive for one console or another at some point. And that would just suck.


Fucking loose cannon right here, boys!

I want to see Nor in hockey pants.

And hwy [sic] is that?

I haven't donde this in a while:

I'm drowwwwwwwwwniiiiiiing

However, Microsoft is trying to get people back for X1 by announcing that they will announce many exclusives in E3.

As much as I like Gears of War and Halo and Banjo-Kazooie, I'll stick with Uncharted and Killzone and Ratchet & Clank.

Super fast respoooooooonseeeee! Yeah, but maybe the new exclusives are going to be good.
We just have to wait for about...wait when's E3 happening?

June 11-13, so just a few days away.

Have you found any rare occurrences yet?


I want an XBox One, I have some old VHS tapes I want to watch.


Do ho ho ho hoh

Even Tony agrees that this is the best alarm!
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wo4L6mmscUk&feature=youtu.be&t=29m11s">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wo4L6mmscUk&amp ;feature=youtu.be&t=29m11s</a>

I prefer the Metal Gear Solid alarm.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXClp2EP9XQ">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXClp2EP9XQ</a>
I suspect that maybe there is possibility that this may not be Xbox One. Not sure though.

It's totally legit, breh

Tonypar and I are going to have babies because of that link he posted (freddieW ftw!)

Freddie Wong is pretty cool, but he just doesn't post as many videos as he used to it seems, and that saddens me.

This is why you never chase a peurto rican:
<a href="http://youtu.be/h3U1VLuLlqc?t=1m12s">http://youtu.be/h3U1VLuLlqc?t=1m12s</a>

Coincidentally, a fictional character based on me has a best friend who is Puerto Rican.
Said Puerto Rican is also a harpy. So I'm sure a FLYING DAD BOMB will be in order.

Freddie doesn't post many videos anymore because he is working on VGHS. Brandon is only making some tutorials for a program at their second channel and uploads every now and then a video on their actual channel.
I just hope VGHS is going to be good. Now I watch CorridorDigital's videos, whose skills and videos have admittedly are getting even better every time. Also, Lan Parties, which are awesome.
As for E3, I couldn't watch any conference. It was too late, for me, and I couldn't stay awake after having slept for only two and a half hours the previous night. I plan to watch Sony and Ubisoft conferences though. What are YOUR thoughts?

My thoughts on E3 so far?

PS4. PS4 all the way, baby. They shit all over Microsoft and everything they stand for. They gave Xbox One the finger. They won the console war with a fatality. I am going to get a PS4 and so will you.
Watch_Dogs is looking sweeeeeeet. As is Black Flag. The new Tom Clancy IP "The Division" also looks tight. Battlefield 4 multiplayer looks jaw-dropping-awesome, but only on PC because it's prettier and has more players. The new IP "The Crew" also looks like a unique and interesting racing game, and one that has my attention. Bungie's new game "Destiny" also actually looks pretty cool, now that I've seen it. Oh, and like omgomgomgeeee~~~ Star Wars Battlefront!

Oh, and Metal Gear Solid V. Eeeek~!

Oh, and I was sad that I didn't see anything related to either Rainbow Six Patriots or Team Ico (The Last Guardian).


Also, whoever made this is my hero:
<a href="http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_560_23-things-youd-really-do-if-world-was-ending-tomorrow_p23/#6">http://www.cracked.com/photoplasty_560_23-thin gs-youd-really-do-if-world-was-ending-tomorrow _p23/#6</a>


It's because of the particular band they put in that picture.

Yeah, the Beetles are pretty wizard.

Oh you....

: 3

Bob Dole.

So far I've only watched Ubisoft's teasers. So, Assassin's Creed Black Flag seems better than I thought it would be. I didn't want to have high expectations for it, but the new gameplay made me really excited. Watch_Dogs is pretty awesome in my opinion and the game I want the most this year(well, apart from GTA V, at least). What also caught my eye was that new title, Division. As far as I can understand, it is something like Planetside and maybe Ghost Recon FS, but way cooler. And yes, the Crew looks quite interesting. And this comes from a guy who nearly hates racing games.

Hates racing games!? D :

Aha! Not only I suck at them, I just find them boring. At least most of them. For example, I hate any Gran Turismo & many racing games/series and find 'em boring, but I remember that I quite enjoyed Burnout.

Understandable. Games that focus on realism like Gran Turismo can prove boring to some people, while fast-paced stuff like Burnout catch their attention easier.

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