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Spider chilling under my toilet...

Posted by Klobb17 - October 19th, 2012

You guys ever been too scared to take a dump? In my case, it's because there's a rotten little spider waiting to sink her fangs into my bony ass as soon as I take a seat. Can't kill the little bitch since they're too well dug in behind the toilet (all the more reason for me to get a flamethrower), so I'll have to play a waiting game with them. Gotta try to catch them out in the open before I strike.
I don't know if I even have arachnophobia. On one hand, I think that spiders are some badass and sexy creatures. On the other, they have a thing for biting me in the most unlikely of places. Just can't make up my mind about them. Hell, as long as they're out in the open and not threatening to kick my ass with their spider-jitsu, I don't even mind them.
Maybe I'm just extremely territorial when it comes to my bathroom...

Duh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh Nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh UPDATE: So apparently, there actually exists an overlord of mine who resides in Klobbicity, Klobbernation, by the name of (what else?) Klobb. For a Klobb overlord though, he sure is obscure as hell. I never knew of his existence until today. Perhaps there is some sort of conspiracy going on here. I'm thinking me and my fellow (and non-existent) Klobbs should overthrow him in a coup d'état if need be.
Just to make shit weird for him, I made an account on that site to investigate. If things become interesting, I shall update again.
Made first contact with this other Klobb. He has suspicion that I'm a possible troll and for good reason, but hopefully I'll be able to convince him otherwise. I don't intend to cause confusion or harm on that site, just to maybe give those guys a change of pace. Also trying to figure out if he goes by as Klobb on other sites as well. If he ends up being the original Klobb on here, then I shall throw some very harsh sentences his way (can't curse on that website unfortunately. Family friendly and all... *mumblegrumble*)
Now others are suspicious of my true identity. Hopefully linking them to here and my dA account should clear things up. On that note....
To anyone visiting here from the 3DSbuzz forum: Why hello there!

I am seriously considering showing off a different spider girl per news post/update. Because why not.

Spider chilling under my toilet...


Shit while you are sitting OVER the toilet.It's some kind of workout too.

. . . . .

Catch a fly with a couple of chopsticks and throw it in the toilet to lure them down. Then...FLUSH!!!

I would, but the clever little shits have already caught all of the flies with their webs!

Spider went lurking around somewhere else today, so I had the opportunity to shit without too much worry. Still, they're not dead, so I'll have to keep my guard up. Hopefully they won't ambush me in the shower tomorrow like the one before. That one was truly a cunning bastard.

A) I have a bug bite on my ass, it might be related
B) Spiders are awesome!
C) I made a bigger fart now, I postedit here instead of on Jester's profile.

A) That's the second worst place to get a bite from a bug or spider. Such a bitch to sit down with one there.
B) I somewhat agree, but I still have a love/hate relationship with spiders.

Was able to shower today. No spiders in sight. I'm not sure whether to be relieved or cautious that I haven't seen it yet. Still, I'm disappearing from my home for the night, so they can skitter about as they please for now.

You know you can put that as an update in the original newspost right?

Also, I have to come clean, I'm the one who keeps putting spiders in your house. But I forgot that I needed them for something else so I took them back.....for now.

I know I can. I just don't want to. I find it too minimal to bother with it.

And oddly enough, you are the third person to come forward with such a claim. I think there is a conspiracy going on here...


Damn right, nig.

That bug bite on my ass is going away. Just thought I would tell you first. Now off to tell Jester.


Stay tuned to be the first to know about KillerSkull's butt adventures.

I have to know what every persons' butts are doing at any given moment in time. I take "Watch your ass" to the extreme.

On a related note, spider girls (or arachne if you will) like the one above have the best butts.

Fact: I have a cat and not a dog.

Now let me get into character: I have a dog, his name is Akamaru.

Also, my ass is fine now. Just keeping you posted.

My mind has been blown.

I already knew that, foo'.

Thank you for the update.

protip: do NOT put sticky bug traps on your pubes.

No fucking shit!

You promised Akamaru a bone. He's waitting for a bone to chew on!

I didn't promise shit, bitch. YOU'RE the one who was gonna feed my bones to him!

Spider fetish?


Fuck Spain,man.

What did Spain do to you?

Take it from me, a pilot, this is how you fly a plane:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXTAK9BR_qk&feature=player_detailpage#t=174s">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXTAK9BR_qk&amp ;feature=player_detailpage#t=174s</a>

This is how you jump onto a helicopter:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXTAK9BR_qk&feature=player_detailpage#t=199s">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXTAK9BR_qk&amp ;feature=player_detailpage#t=199s</a>

And if you want to do it for yourself, you only have to pull out your cartridge while the game is running.

Funny. I've flown a jet like that in Battlefield 3, and all I had to do was ram into my brother in mid-air while he was flying too.
It was one of those moments where you would make that "Whoop WHOOP Whoop whoop whooop!" noise Dr. Zoidberg makes in Futurama while it was happening.

Battlefield 3 has some AMAZING glitches!

Ever seen some of the beta glitches?

Yes. Yes you have.

They get games sooner than we do.

Ah, AC 3.
That feel. I know it.


Does not compute.


I shall be gone for a few days. Going to a lake house with some friends so that we can just hang out, party, do whatever with no limits for a bit. KillerSkull, if you're reading this (and you surely are), I'm making you the nanny of this page while I am away. What that means is up to you.

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