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My Far Cry 3 experience

Posted by Klobb17 - December 10th, 2012

Figured I'll show off some tales of mine from playing Far Cry 3. I'll add more later maybe.
(Also, yay, friends list)

Leopards are jerks
I'm roaming about in Far Cry 3 when I come across these two Rakyat warriors (good guys, basically) mourning by a tombstone. Guessing it's a lost loved one or comrade, I give them some space. Then out of nowhere, a fucking leopard comes and pounces on one of the sobbing dudes, startling his buddy who's struggling for his gun. I take out the leopard with a quick burst from my signature assault rifle, saving the survivor. He gets on his feet, walks to the tombstone that now has his former buddy and the dead leopard lying in front of it, gets on his knees, and continues mourning.
The next day, I'm telling a friend over Xbox Live about what had happened to these Rakyat warriors while roving around Far Cry 3 some more. When I finish explaining it to him, I also add in at the end "So yeah, leopards are jerks, bro". I swear, as soon as I finish saying that, a leopard growls behind me and pounces me, making me scream out of terror. After barely getting my self together and fighting the leopard off, I paused the game, my friend asking "What the hell happened?". I exclaimed "A LEOPARD FUCKING HEARD WHAT I SAID...". Of course he dies in laughter, as do the other 2 people that I've told this story so far.
They just don't understand... *shudders*

I'm cruising off the coast of one of the islands in a patrol boat, looking for sharks to hunt down with my sniper rifle. As I'm cruising, I pass by two pirates driving a technical, who end up spotting me and whipping around to give chase. They drive on the road next to the beach for a while before eventually off-roading onto the sand. At this point I decide to stop my boat and maybe take a few shots at them. As I stopped, the pirates steered directly towards the ocean and floored it, driving into the ocean water as much as they could until their truck was submerged. They just sat there for a while, chilling in the salt water for a few seconds before eventually exiting their vehicle underwater. They floated to the top and tried to swim, but being the stupid AI they are, they eventually drown.
Just goes to show that the pirates will do whatever it takes to kill me, even if it means endangering their own lives. These guys are hardcore.

The Magician's Jeep
Walking down a road, I hear gunfire in the distance, so I sprint to investigate. Although I was too late, what happened was a fight between Rakyat warriors and some Privateers (mercenaries, basically), with the mercs being the victors. Deciding to deal some payback, I equip the AMR I bought, which is in a nutshell a very loud and powerful sniper rifle that fires explosive rounds. Just peeking over the crest of the hill with a few blades of grass to obscure me, I plan my attack. Two mercs in plain sight standing out of their jeep, no more than 50 meters away from me. Another merc comes around the corner of the jeep, the gunner I presume, making the total count to three. Waiting a second to savor the moment, I aim at the chest of the merc closest to the jeep, and hold my breath. Steady. Wait for it... PISHAAOW! The bullet knocks him back 5 feet! The other two mercs panic. "Sniper fire!" one of them yells, while the other charges down the road to where he heard the shot rang. I readjust my aim, pointing to the charger's head. Almost... KERPLAAOW! Right between the eyes! Makes his dead body do a backflip due to the force of the bullet. One last guy. He's hiding behind the jeep, attempting to take cover. No matter. I aim right at the spot he'd hiding, despite the jeep in the way... PITCHAAOW! It goes right through the vehicle like a hot knife through butter! His body limply flies back from where it hid. Satisfied with my victory, I decide to celebrate in one of the few ways I know how: by destroying their former vehicle. I don't bother with steadying my aim as I unleash a bullet into the smoking jeep. Now the bullet hit it's mark, but something strange happens: instead of the jeep going up in an explosive inferno like usual, it just... vanishes! The metal crunches like it exploded, and the doors fly off to the side, but the jeep itself just disappears! There's not even a hint of an explosion at where the jeep formerly rested, just the bodies of the mercs. While I was baffled at this act of what I can only assume is magic (or a glitch if you're no fun), I was equally pissed off at not being able to witness an explosive victory. So I turn my attention to the former Rakyat technical and blow that up instead with no problem, and now half the hill side is an inferno because of it.
I wonder where that jeep disappeared to...


This newspost doesn't have a cute animal...therefore it is inferior to your last.


Bro calm down....do you even lift?

Do I even l-DO I EVEN LIFT!?!

The jeep was the sacrifice needed for the mercs to reincarnate.

...of course...

Also can I make you a co-worker friend so that I can say "Professional Friendship" all the time because for some reason I find it quite amusing and funny?No?Ok,I'll shut up.

Tell you what: soon as we're in cubicles next to each other in some boring office job, I'll add you for a Professional Friendship.
'Til then, you're my buddy, pal.

His review was pretty spot on. Hell, I love Zero Punctuation really.

In similar news, I beat Far Cry 3.

Good...I was afraid he might spoil it for you. In related news, I know what is going to be game of the year in 2013...."Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3"

Naruto game of the year?

Yeah-huh, because it has Kiba in it! Also, I think you're being too hard on the leopards.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&list=PLYtcwsUQ6P1OjInj7Oclk8EvGkdhGRy0h&v=s-egqKgEPSY#t=1416s">http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_de tailpage&list=PLYtcwsUQ6P1OjInj7Oclk8EvGkd hGRy0h&v=s-egqKgEPSY#t=1416s</a>

I'm not being hard on leopards. In fact, I respect them. They are some ninja badasses.

At least they're not like pet cats in Minecraft, who constantly jump on chests and beds so you can't use them. Just for the sole purpose of annoying you. Kinda like cats irl I guess.

"I see you're bringing in groceries and can't see where you're stepping. I'll just pass right in front of your foot and..."


Guys. GUISE.

More random stuff about me.


Navy blue is indeed a really nice color.

It's weird. Over time I've gone through my favorite color being red, black, dark red, dark green, blood red, and now here I am at navy blue.

For me blue and its shades were always my favorites. I like red too but only because it makes a nice combination with blue. Green is a really "weird" color. Don't get me started with that fucking yellow bastard.


After hearing from many of my favorite critics that this was a game that focused on making its content fun in an open world setting instead of just making an open world setting with repetitive tasks, I must say I've become more and more attracted to this game. Especially since I hated Far Cry 2. I'd have to upgrade my PC a bit if I wanted to really make a worthy experience out of this one though.

I really do recommend getting this game, even if you hated Far Cry 2. Most of the problems of the past (dem respawning outposts, dat malaria [although I happened to like it, personally], dos wacky bulletproof-yet-shirtless bad guys) have been fixed now. Such a wonderful game.

Ah, PC player. Good for you. I'll admit that the Xbox 360 version is slightly inferior in terms of framerate being noticeably low, and graphics not being as pretty, but still fun to play nonetheless.

I call plagiarism on Austerity's interview. I answered "Dr. Pepper" and so did you. Copy cat. Also, let's meet up irl!

I answered "Dr Pepper". YOU answered "Dr. Pepper". It's the little details that get ya'!

And totally.

Quoting Klobb17:"Reminder to self: still need to make a new icon for myself to use."
What now?

It's a work in progress. Unfortunately I am not the best artist in the world.

Well do it like me:Just cut stuff and put'em together.

Bah! I'd rather try to indulge in my creativity and draw one of my characters and use them as an icon (soon as I cease procrastinating...)

We'll meet up irl at the back alley at 5...don't be late.

Also, the detail on the M240 in farcry 3 offends me. They got the shape wrong.

I don't think it's an M240 to be exact. M240s are belt-fed, correct? Only the PKM in this game is belt-fed (not counting mounted guns of course).