Alright. Fuck it. I'm a few acts into this webcomic now, so I may as well share my opinion about it so far on here.
First and foremost, I like it, if not love it. Great humor, clever story, and likable characters all around. The mostly simple visual style of it is pleasing to my eye, not being overly flashy or stylized like some other webcomics. I absolutely love the interactivity of it, be it exploring a person's house, choosing options in a RPG-like battle (or strife as they call it), or having a character play their bass guitar by mashing the keys on the keyboard for a different note or action, among so many others. Apparently when it first started, a lot of the choices that the characters made were chosen by fans, which can lead to some interesting distractions, like "pick up every useless object for no reason", or "appreciate the movie poster with Nicolas Cage", or "knit a 3-inch thick cover for your laptop". The idea of letting fans have input on what will happen next, almost like a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure story, is simply wonderful.
Second of all, this shit is fucking confusing. They're playing a game that turns their lives into a game for others to play? Combining a doll and the remains of a deceased loved one makes a ghostly mentor? Wait wait, now we're in the future following some creature wrapped in cloth as he creates a town made out of cans? There's a separate dream world of all this shit now?! Those dudes from the Midnight Crew are a part of this craziness as well!? Trolls?!? Time travel!?? TaLkInG LiKe ThIs FoR No ApPaReNt ReAsOn, AnD TaStiNg ThE TeXt Of ThOsE WhO ArE TaLkInG!?!?!
. . .
Alright... I will admit, Homestuck is rather difficult to try and understand. Hell, it's basically maddening for me to attempt comprehending even a quarter of the stuff in Homestuck. At this point, I honestly just try NOT to understand what's going on in Homestuck, instead just enjoying the ride for what it is. It's working so far, anyway.
Lastly, and this is a minor complaint on my part, "troll speak". As in, whenever a character of the troll race communicates to another character, they talk in some odd fashion unique to each of them, be it ALL CAPS, aLMOST aLL cAPS, L33T SP34K, EvErY OtHeR LeTtEr Is CaPs, etc. etc. This is a pain for me to read. Maybe I'm just slow at adapting to it, or maybe I'm too used to seeing my own sentences crafted to be readable to me like they are now, but I fucking hate having to read what a troll says. You know what? I get it now. They do that shit on purpose to irritate people like me who despise having to read an idiotic sentence or message like that. Cheeky bastards!
Overall, I enjoy reading Homestuck, and look forward to what else it has in store for me. Shout-out to my irl friend Jess for getting me into Homestuck in the first place (albeit after constant pestering [hurr hurr, "pester"...] and making numerous references that I do not get, and still don't get really). World, you're not allowed to end tomorrow. I need to finish this shit, dammit!
(Oh, and GTA V isn't out yet either, so delay your end for that as well.)
Minor update: Using an Ace Combat squadron insignia as an icon until I make a new one myself because I am lazy. Expect a reference to one of the games here and there because I'm a loser like that.
Long story short if you're an ass nugget and skipped it all to comment down here: Homestuck is cool, and crazy. Check it out. You may like it.