Taking a brief break from all that stupid cute shit to show you something a little more awesome. Namely this silly edit of Jamie Hyneman's face over Jason Statham's character from The Expendables that I made. Why? Because while losing myself to the depths that is imgur, I found Neil deGrasse Tyson as Terry Crews' character. Soon after that, Bill Nye appeared as well. So naturally, in an effort to expand what has been dubbed as "The Explainables" on there, I did Jamie Hyneman. I dunno if anyone else plans on doing other The Explainables pics, but if they don't, I'll try it with Carl Sagan, Bob Ross, Fred "Mr." Rogers, Adam Savage, maybe Nikola Tesla.
Some men just want to watch the world learn.
Update: Here's the Mr. Rogers one I made.
Bill Nye would be the best one obviously.
He has some stiff competition, sooooo probably not lul