By not exactly popular demand, here is a pic of me in my new glasses. Pardon the potato quality of my laptop webcam. Also I absolutely suck at making normal faces, so instead I resort to making silly looking ones.
I know, I look like a total fagola with them on.
Now, for those who don't know, I have some shit vision. Lazy eye, near sighted, lovely stuff. On one hand, it lets me do some cool tricks with my eyes by cocking them in and out of place to freak people out. On the other, can't see shit because it's double/blurry (never mind the loss of depth perception if I close one eye for clear sight), thus, glasses. Although to be quite honest, at 22 years old, I'm not sure if wearing these will do me a whole lot of good. But hey, I can focus my eyes into place and my vision isn't blurred like Japanese porn anymore, so I have that going. Things are still kinda double vision due to my lazy eye being a betafag and not lifting, but eh, apparently in due time, it'll get used to it.
It's not a lazy eye. Maybe the other eye is overly motivated XD
Also, nothing like Com. Gordon. Gordon Freeman on other hand though...
You know who made a joke like that as well?
Ben Bailey
Shit, I bet if I shaved my head, I would look like Walter White from Breaking Bad.