God dammit, I want to get it now. I beat Revelations recently, so now I'm caught up with the games. I won't lie, I'm a bit of a fan now, I guess. Kinda looking forward to see what else they'll come up with.
Errpdert: I've noticed that the Newgrounds notifications aren't, well, notifying me immediately when people I stalk have made a news post or something. Anyone else having a problem with this?
Revenge of the Update!: Looks like everything is notifying like it should now. Also, OMG FORZA HORIZON! I want that game too.
Update 3 "Update Harder": Looks like the Expendables fad is just about finished, sooooo~ BOOM! New icon.
Multiplayer in Revelations was fun. Please tell me you have a Playstation 3.
Klobb17 (Updated )
I used to. For a day. I'm afraid I'm an Xbox 360 only kind of guy.
Not that I only want an Xbox, mind you. PlayStation ftw, nig.