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Klobb17's News

Posted by Klobb17 - October 24th, 2013

Friend did lines, I did evraythang else.

This one is apparently named Badger. She's the Uguu~ general of sorts, and is an all-around badass who can almost certainly down a shot of whisky faster than you despite her diminutive size. Also she likes bacon.

Also my favorite band ever 3 Inches of Blood is gonna be in town this weekend with some other bands to play. I've been trying to get someone to take me so we can go see them (don't drive/no car), but apparently I'm the only fan of theirs among my friends and that slightly depresses me. Still, I'm sure as Hell gonna try finding a way to go see them live if no one can/will go with me.


Posted by Klobb17 - October 17th, 2013

For now.

Buddy drew, I colored/edited, blah blah blah. This one doesn't really have a name, other than "Friendo", so let's just call her that. Don't know what she does. Maybe she helps out the High (as a kite) Mama as like a handmaiden or something.

You know what's really weird? Despite us spending so much fucking time on these adorable abominations that I now collectively refer to as "Uus~", they are but a minor part in the grand scheme of things. The story/webcomic/series/whatever that we're working on and they're a part of does not focus on them one bit. Only one or two get any time in the limelight, really. So why do we keep making these things?
Because they're so God damn cute, that's why.

Hey look, another one.

Back to the women looking like women

Posted by Klobb17 - October 9th, 2013

No really. See this smexy piece of... something? That's a dude, yo. Friend claims it's supposed to be bishie, buuuut I think he went overboard with the idea.
I still like him though. Seriously, 10/10 would cuddle. Might be my favorite out of the other adorable abominations, right up there with Kitty.

ANYWAY, homie drew him, I colored and edited.

His name is Roja by the way.

Edit: Oh yeah, almost forgot about this Uguu~ here that was finished yesterday. Didn't bother dedicating a post to her because she boring.


Posted by Klobb17 - October 1st, 2013

Now that I have finished GTA V's single player, I may resume showing off stupidly cute shit I color and edit for my friend.

This here be an Auu~, the Uguus~ male counterpart and sworn enemy. This little fucklet in particular is named Calico something Auu~. Really, the only difference between the two races is their gender and the fact that Auus~ have ears instead of a tail.

Hey look, an Auu~

Posted by Klobb17 - September 18th, 2013

Whelp, I do believe I have a new favorite game for this generation. Holy shit, GTA V is fucking magnificent so far. Rockstar Games has reaaally improved on what they did with GTA IV, and Red Dead Redemption too, at that. 3 characters to play as, so many things to do, so many stores to rob, so many heists to pull off. Simply put, I am having a fuckton of fun playing this shit. Can't wait for GTA Online to come out so I can do this kind of shit with friends.

Too lazy to write more about it, must resume giving people the finger as I drive into oncoming traffic in-game. Go check it out if you're into shooting, driving, flying, engrossing stories, scuba diving, heists, hunting, playing fetch with a dog, tennis, Breaking Bad, blimps, mountain biking, a myriad other reasons why.

Yes, I'm fan-boying over this shit, bite me.

Also, more of that stupid Uguu~ shit to come eventually when I'm not focused entirely on GTA V.

Posted by Klobb17 - September 11th, 2013

I love saying that. "Adorable abomination". Mostly the word "abomination" in general. But I ramble.

Same deal as the previous two. Drawn by a friend initially, colored and edited by yours truly. This one's name is Lyn Moweh Uguu~. Known as the "High Mother", she's basically the big mama and leader of the other little chibi bitches.
I got lazy in editing, so if the lines look sexy in one part and sloppy in another, that's why.

More to come eventually because #YOLO.

Yet another adorable abomination

Posted by Klobb17 - September 2nd, 2013

Same deal as the one before it; buddy drew it, I colored and edited. I got lazy with that shadowy part inside the sleeve.
This one is named Tuna Kabaub Uguu~. Her life advice boils down to "Give them a fish!" pretty much. She guarantees that it works all the time 5% of the time.

@Nor would enjoy this shit.

Lookie lookie, another cute atrocity

Posted by Klobb17 - August 27th, 2013

A buddy drew this for me because he's cool like that, and I edited and colored. HIVE FIVE FOR TEAMWORK, BUDDY-ohwait, he doesn't come around here anymore.
Ain't it ugly?

Btw her name is Kitty Kawaii Uguu~
Fun fact: she can read braille with that idiot hair lock on top of her enormous head, thus why she often has a book up there. Not in this case, though.

Hey, look at this abomination

Posted by Klobb17 - July 17th, 2013

Oopdoot: I tried my hand at sketching some characters of mine. It's terrible. You can laugh at my inability to properly draw noses and a certain person's jaw here.
I'll draw three others at some point, and maybe pretty them all up in Photoshop or something.

RlrlLRLRLrlrlrl: Steam message pic has been replaced by something millions of times better. I will follow this badass mother fucker into Hell and back.


Those are the eyes of a stone-cold killer. What soul you have left is sapped away by his thousand-yard stare.


He obviously takes great joy in curb-stomping his enemies, feeling their skull and grey matter be squished under his boot.

He is not to be trifled with...

Edit: Hi, Will.


Posted by Klobb17 - July 7th, 2013



I did really good in a LoL match with some friends and this dude named Bu.
Bu dude streamed dat shit.
We were accused of hacking in the end.
It was fun.
Check it out here.

Also Sona is kawaii~ as fuck
