Joined on 7/9/07
Posted by Klobb17 - April 24th, 2014
I don't really have anything newsworthy, but here's two characters of mine a pretty cool nigga drew for me a while back.
Also everyone and their mother should go see "The Raid 2: Berandal". Unless you're soft. Then don't I guess.
"Praise the Sun in short Praise the Sun" -random player-made comment from Dark Souls 2
Posted by Klobb17 - February 26th, 2014
By not exactly popular demand, here is a pic of me in my new glasses. Pardon the potato quality of my laptop webcam. Also I absolutely suck at making normal faces, so instead I resort to making silly looking ones.
I know, I look like a total fagola with them on.
Now, for those who don't know, I have some shit vision. Lazy eye, near sighted, lovely stuff. On one hand, it lets me do some cool tricks with my eyes by cocking them in and out of place to freak people out. On the other, can't see shit because it's double/blurry (never mind the loss of depth perception if I close one eye for clear sight), thus, glasses. Although to be quite honest, at 22 years old, I'm not sure if wearing these will do me a whole lot of good. But hey, I can focus my eyes into place and my vision isn't blurred like Japanese porn anymore, so I have that going. Things are still kinda double vision due to my lazy eye being a betafag and not lifting, but eh, apparently in due time, it'll get used to it.
Posted by Klobb17 - February 2nd, 2014
Nothing important here, just making a new one because apparently the massive amount of videos on the previous one was taking a major dump on @tonypar16's computer.
Here's some Nicolas Cage gifs
Btw I turned 22 this month. Woohoo I suppose.
Also I wear glasses now, so that's something.
Posted by Klobb17 - December 25th, 2013
Here's aproximately one metric buttfuckton of random and not so random songs I like to celebrate the occasion. I was inspired by @Jester to do this kind of shit. So. Get anything good? Also this new blog making stuff is pretty neat.
If you made it this far William, here's your reward.
Posted by Klobb17 - November 10th, 2013
Taking a brief break from all that stupid cute shit to show you something a little more awesome. Namely this silly edit of Jamie Hyneman's face over Jason Statham's character from The Expendables that I made. Why? Because while losing myself to the depths that is imgur, I found Neil deGrasse Tyson as Terry Crews' character. Soon after that, Bill Nye appeared as well. So naturally, in an effort to expand what has been dubbed as "The Explainables" on there, I did Jamie Hyneman. I dunno if anyone else plans on doing other The Explainables pics, but if they don't, I'll try it with Carl Sagan, Bob Ross, Fred "Mr." Rogers, Adam Savage, maybe Nikola Tesla.
Some men just want to watch the world learn.
Update: Here's the Mr. Rogers one I made.
Posted by Klobb17 - October 27th, 2013
Pirate Uguu~ that is.
This one was based off of a good friend of mine, oddly enough. She's going through a pirate phase it seems (for Assassin's Creed: Black Flag I bet), so she asked for this one to be a pirate.
Buddy drew, I colored and edited.
Also wasn't able to go see my favorite band and that bums me out dearly.