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Klobb17's News

Posted by Klobb17 - November 22nd, 2012

I dunno about you guys, but I'm quivering in anticipation for Far Cry 3. The game looks like a major improvement over the second game, to start, and has a gorgeous island to explore, insane pricks to kill, and fucking tigers and sharks to hunt down. I was never a fan of Far Cry multiplayer, but 3's doesn't seem half bad. The addition of co-op is a plus, as well as whatever improvements they've made to the map maker (which they have yet to show off... *mumblegrumble*). Naturally, this is the game I am looking forward to the most.

With that out of the way, there is a series of videos that I think are just spectacular to watch called "The Far Cry Experience". Basically, it pits Christopher Mintz-Plasse (aka McLovin from Superbad) and a cameraman on the island setting of Far Cry 3 to show it off. Things get hairy though since Vaas (the antagonist featured in so many trailers) and his gang decide to be the psychotic fuckers that they are and ruin their fun. The series is intense and thrilling, with just a pinch of some dark humor. Links to the videos below, should they interest you (and hopefully they do). Even if you're not into Far Cry, they are still decent videos at their core, so at least check out the first one.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

No spider-girl this time. Vaas' face has the honor of being on this news post instead. Seriously, this dude is most likely my new favorite bad guy ever.

Reminder to self: still need to make a new icon for myself to use.

The Far Cry Experience

Posted by Klobb17 - November 5th, 2012

Asandir interviewed me a few weeks back, and now it's up for everyone to either enjoy or laugh at. I feel all warm and fuzzy. Go check it out if you want.

Also, as I discovered during my weekend at the lakehouse with my friends, I am rather good at singing Lady Gaga. Whether that is something impressive or worrying is up to you.

Dupyate: I watched Wreck-It Ralph. Good movie. If you're a gamer, you should see it too. Plenty of good references and cameos to make you smile.
And new spider girl. Credit to Kenkou Cross of Monster Girl Encyclopedia fame for drawing this one. I figure I may as well credit the artist if I know them.

Reminder to self: make a new icon to use, dammit.

Hey look, I got interviewed

Posted by Klobb17 - October 19th, 2012

You guys ever been too scared to take a dump? In my case, it's because there's a rotten little spider waiting to sink her fangs into my bony ass as soon as I take a seat. Can't kill the little bitch since they're too well dug in behind the toilet (all the more reason for me to get a flamethrower), so I'll have to play a waiting game with them. Gotta try to catch them out in the open before I strike.
I don't know if I even have arachnophobia. On one hand, I think that spiders are some badass and sexy creatures. On the other, they have a thing for biting me in the most unlikely of places. Just can't make up my mind about them. Hell, as long as they're out in the open and not threatening to kick my ass with their spider-jitsu, I don't even mind them.
Maybe I'm just extremely territorial when it comes to my bathroom...

Duh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh Nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh UPDATE: So apparently, there actually exists an overlord of mine who resides in Klobbicity, Klobbernation, by the name of (what else?) Klobb. For a Klobb overlord though, he sure is obscure as hell. I never knew of his existence until today. Perhaps there is some sort of conspiracy going on here. I'm thinking me and my fellow (and non-existent) Klobbs should overthrow him in a coup d'état if need be.
Just to make shit weird for him, I made an account on that site to investigate. If things become interesting, I shall update again.
Made first contact with this other Klobb. He has suspicion that I'm a possible troll and for good reason, but hopefully I'll be able to convince him otherwise. I don't intend to cause confusion or harm on that site, just to maybe give those guys a change of pace. Also trying to figure out if he goes by as Klobb on other sites as well. If he ends up being the original Klobb on here, then I shall throw some very harsh sentences his way (can't curse on that website unfortunately. Family friendly and all... *mumblegrumble*)
Now others are suspicious of my true identity. Hopefully linking them to here and my dA account should clear things up. On that note....
To anyone visiting here from the 3DSbuzz forum: Why hello there!

I am seriously considering showing off a different spider girl per news post/update. Because why not.

Spider chilling under my toilet...

Posted by Klobb17 - September 29th, 2012

God dammit, I want to get it now. I beat Revelations recently, so now I'm caught up with the games. I won't lie, I'm a bit of a fan now, I guess. Kinda looking forward to see what else they'll come up with.

Errpdert: I've noticed that the Newgrounds notifications aren't, well, notifying me immediately when people I stalk have made a news post or something. Anyone else having a problem with this?

Revenge of the Update!: Looks like everything is notifying like it should now. Also, OMG FORZA HORIZON! I want that game too.

Update 3 "Update Harder": Looks like the Expendables fad is just about finished, sooooo~ BOOM! New icon.

Posted by Klobb17 - September 11th, 2012

We are the shadows and the smoke, we rise. We are the ghosts that hide in the night.
Klobb17. E-Lord. Kanon. Shade.
We are Expendables.
Boom-Lay Boom-Lay Boom.

Protagonist isn't technically an Expendable, but he is a close associate, so he's cool too.
As of now, KillerSkull is on-board, as well. His guy is also technically not an Expendable, buuut fuck it.
Doberman is also playing along as none other than Chuck Fucking Norris.
Wavepad is now Billy The Kid, the newest Expendable in the 2nd movie (which some of you need to see).

Posted by Klobb17 - September 7th, 2012

I was bored and inspired by a similar pic that I saw. Also serves as a sad reminder for how many of my Gundam figures are still in decent condition. From 50 to 5 in 10 years (give or take a few, either one).
I might start collecting them again, now. Bottle caps are boring, and I can't play with them, unlike these guys. Of course, bottle caps can be found anywhere other than places like eBay...
By the way, watch this video if you don't get it.

Oppa Gundam Style

Posted by Klobb17 - August 23rd, 2012

My head is killing me and I am craving ice cream. An awful combination.
And I don't even have any ice cream...
Me wanty ice cream. Me wanty ice cream.

So how are you?

A picture of some delicious looking ice cream, to remind me how fat I am.

EDIT: I now have ice cream. All is right in the world of Klobb17. You can all go home nyeow.

EDIT (THE SEQUEL): God DAMN this is some good ice cream!


Posted by Klobb17 - August 18th, 2012

I liked it. It wasn't the best movie of all time, nor did I expect it to be. There was a notable lack of "f-bombs" in the entire movie thanks to Chuck Norris being Chuck Norris, but at least they played his own character up to being a legendary badass like the man himself. Jet Li didn't get much screen time, which was a fucking bummer. I loved how the bromance between his and Dolph Lundgren's character developed since the first movie (you know, considering that they nearly killed each other. Twice), and would have loved to see more of them interacting than just the opening action scene. Speaking of bromances, Stallone's and Statham's characters are still best buds and friendly rivals, and were often more funny than badass when they're together. Liam Hemsworth's new character, Billy the Kid, was definitely a welcome addition to the older veteran mercs, and probably my new favorite. Also, Bruce Willis and Arnold Swarchenegger finally get to shoot shit, as seen in the clip, and they haven't lost their touch (Arnold really liked making references to his older movies). Terry Crews is still a funny ham black guy with a loud gun, and some of his reactions to certain situations (like say, and army approaching, or a tank aiming right at him) were pure gold. I noticed Mickey Rourke was nowhere in the film, and made little-to-no mention of him. A shame, really. I liked him being a mentor figure to the other Expendables. Randy Couture's guy is still a dude with a fucked up ear that others like making fun of, but he did get to show off some of his MMA skills again, so that was cool. Jean-Claude Van Damme was an excellent bad guy and counterpart to Stallone's character, although I would have loved to see him as a part of the Expendables, rather than be the one fighting them. Oh yeah, and there's some Asian chick who I don't know much about, but she was good at kicking ass and looking kawaii.

Overall, The Expendables 2 is a fun action movie. Story is above-average at best, but I cared more about the individual characters themselves, who were all quite good. And now that a THIRD movie is already in the works, I will be looking forward to that as well. Nicolas Cage supposedly being in the third movie is a huge bonus as well. I fucking love that guy.

Posted by Klobb17 - August 11th, 2012

Watch the video, chump!

Expendables 2 looks awesome. Anyone else interested in seeing it?

Posted by Klobb17 - August 4th, 2012

No biggie. I did indeed post in a spam topic knowing full well what went on in it, and I deserve the ban just like anyone else.

Update: About 7 hours left. Damn this ban is awkward when I feel I have a good/intelligent/witty response to something on the BBS!

Update 2: Right then. Ban is over with.